Saturday, August 30, 2008 pictures?

So, I should hope that everyone has seen our polls.

I would also love to know who voted for dog pictures. Alas, I don't, but I do think that dog pictures are so much easier to get than real crafts and recipes. So, since I haven't been posting as regularly, here are a couple dog pictures, and other pictures of crafts that I have done.

Bed dog

Dog with slinky

"Hmmm" dog.

Sunglasses dog

Pirate dog

So, that was your prize for today. Could you find the secret monkey and cat pictures?

Do you like pictures? Tell me, oh, please, tell me.

Should I splice more pictures of dogs into my blogging? Or should I just keep dog and blog separate?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ice cream wars!

Part One: Teh Vocabulary.

Ice Cream Wars: Ice cream wars is an idea of mine. As you can tell by our poorly Painted logo, it's a pun on popular movie series Star Wars. {if you can't tell, one of my biggest talents is removing all humor from jokes. It comes with being a craftastic.} It's simply a comprehensive review of ice creams. And I super hope that it isn't quite as boring as it sounds.

Crème brûlée: Creme brulee (as we will spell it, as I do not own an international keyboard) is French for burnt cream. It is a dessert served in ramekins consisting of a thick, delicious cream base topped with burnt sugar. It is very delicious, and the best creme brulee I have ever had was at a resturant called Fire and Ice in the Springfield hotel called The Oasis. Fire and Ice, consider yourself ENDORSED.
John Lennon: A former member of popular band The Beatles, John Lennon is equally as famous for his music as he is for his peace activism. He wrote and recorded songs "Give Peace a Chance" and "Imagine".

Part 2: The Contenders
Ben and Jerry's produces an ice cream called Creme Brulee. It is "sweet custard ice cream with a carmelized sugar swirl" (thanks, Wikipedia!). I love it; it's like creme brulee without ramekins, which I do not own (once this blog gets off the ground and I start selling t-shirts at art fairs, the first thing I will buy will be a set of colorful ramekins.) The ice cream is sweet and great. Even my dog loves it. I like it because it's light and sweet.

B and J's also produces an ice cream called Imagine Whirled Peace. It is sweet cream ice cream with swirls of toffee and fudge peace signs. I like this one better than Phish Phood, my old favorite Ben and Jerry's (chocolate ice cream with swirls of marshmallows and nuts, I think, and fudge phish and, in the special Surf&Turf edition, fudge cows.) because, while it employs one of my phavorite aspects of Phish Phood, the fudge shapes, it doesn't overpower with chocolate.

Part 4: Fin.

So, this is where I say my adieus.

Did you like ICW, or was it too long? Feedback = appreciated. And also, ideas = SUPER APPRECIATED! Like, if there's something you want to see crafted/cooked, I'm totally prepped to do it. Because if I can't think of anything, this is what you get.


Friday, August 22, 2008

so, um, like, yeah;

So, rather than a craft, I'm going to be running around and doing little site updates.
If you'll notice, the "crafty!" playlist is updated with Spice Girls and more song repeats ("Ces Soirees La", anyone?). Expect links to other amayzing sites that I use as funspiration, sanity-holder-in-placers, or simply procrastinating.

I suppose that sitely changes could be considered a craft... right?

Monday, August 11, 2008


So today we're gonna make collar art. These are not only fantabulous gifts, but work as great headbands, necklaces, or bracelets.

You will need...

-Diet soda
-Fun markers

You can start small, just with one little sticker.

And a pompon...

Or two.

And some more stickers, then flip it over and...

Customize it even more, with your name, more stickers, or whatever you'd like.

And voila! You now have fantastick headband, choker, door marker (hang it on a doorknob to let your housemates know that THERE IS YOUR ROOM AND IT IS YOURS), or simple gift to give and regift!!

P.S. Shout-out to Monsieur Akira for reminding me that I ought to start crafting again. <3