Saturday, August 30, 2008 pictures?

So, I should hope that everyone has seen our polls.

I would also love to know who voted for dog pictures. Alas, I don't, but I do think that dog pictures are so much easier to get than real crafts and recipes. So, since I haven't been posting as regularly, here are a couple dog pictures, and other pictures of crafts that I have done.

Bed dog

Dog with slinky

"Hmmm" dog.

Sunglasses dog

Pirate dog

So, that was your prize for today. Could you find the secret monkey and cat pictures?

Do you like pictures? Tell me, oh, please, tell me.

Should I splice more pictures of dogs into my blogging? Or should I just keep dog and blog separate?


stlmichelle said...

You are not just crafty, but tricksy too. I LOVE your dog pics. Is there a prize for finding the hidden pics?

stlmichelle said...

How did you teach your dog to wear a monkey suit and climb a tree? Also, are slinkys safe for dogs?

akira said...

monkeys have tails!!! like dogs!! apes just have regular bums like people. was that a trick question or were you being insensitive to the evolution of apes?

Yvette said...

Girlfriend!! How long have you had this blog?? I'd been followin you all along . . . . keep creating! Hugs, hugs!!

Yvette said...

Do keep dog with blog.