Monday, August 11, 2008


So today we're gonna make collar art. These are not only fantabulous gifts, but work as great headbands, necklaces, or bracelets.

You will need...

-Diet soda
-Fun markers

You can start small, just with one little sticker.

And a pompon...

Or two.

And some more stickers, then flip it over and...

Customize it even more, with your name, more stickers, or whatever you'd like.

And voila! You now have fantastick headband, choker, door marker (hang it on a doorknob to let your housemates know that THERE IS YOUR ROOM AND IT IS YOURS), or simple gift to give and regift!!

P.S. Shout-out to Monsieur Akira for reminding me that I ought to start crafting again. <3


akira said...

aw man your headband is so cool, mine turned out not so good... you make it look so easy! you should sell those on ebay! p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

kristen said...

Woah!!! Ive never thought of anything as cool as that! I want to buy the one you made! Is it for sale??? Your the coolest! P.P.s.s.s.s. Happy Birthday form me too!!!!

stlmichelle said...

What do you do with the diet soda? Could I make an adornment FOR the diet soda so it feels prettier?